Tag Archives: death


Check out the Associated Press report on violence in Iraq (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/al-qaida-in-iraq-claims-responsibility-for-mondays-attacks-that-killed-55/2013/10/01/9301207c-2a79-11e3-b141-298f46539716_story.html)

I predicted continued violence in Iraq post US Forces departure. Here is what I wrote in 2011 in my book, “Iraq Cradle of Errors” (http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/114732),

“On September 6, 2011 a plan was announced to cut U.S. Force presence in Iraq to 3,000 personnel by the end of the year. As stated, I invested over 5 years of my life in Iraq and loved most every day of my time in country. But, when it was time to go…I was more than ready. I suspect every Soldier deployed to Iraq felt elated to depart theater for home.
However, leaving 3,000 Soldiers to conduct training will be a strategic mistake. Concentrating our troops at what is known as the “VBC” or Victory Base Complex does not allow for adequate coverage to meet all the training needs throughout the country. I know that can’t possibly be the plan, but with the U.S. Embassy located in Baghdad, we will need many of our Soldiers nearby.
The opposite is also true, spreading our troops out countrywide does not allow for adequate force protection. Though combat operations ceased in 2010, no one informed the insurgents and al-Qaida leaving our Soldiers to operate with new ‘rules of engagement’ and constantly on the receiving end of hostilities. It is neither right nor fair to our Troops.
Make no mistake regarding the next series of events to take place in Iraq:

  • Sectarian violence will spin out of control
  •  The Iraqi Police and Iraq Army will default to their previous comfort level
  • Iraqi citizens will suffer extreme acts of terrorism
  • U.S. Forces will be pulled back into Iraq to continue providing national security which will mean more lost lives
  • Iran will offer military support, seizing the moment Regional neighbors will lose confidence in the Government of Iraq (GOI)

This is my personal opinion. I hope I am wrong. I doubt I am.

Associated Press, October 2, 2013 states, “UN: Nearly 1,000 Iraqis killed last month, up 22% from August.” Further stating, “Sectarian bloodshed has surged to levels not seen in Iraq since 2008. More than 5,000 people have been killed since April 2013.”

What is not being reported in most media rags is the persecution of Christians. Readers will often see reports of Sunni/Shi’a violence, but where is the outrage in reference to Iraq’s Christian Community?

I will be posting a follow up post today regarding an interview I conducted capturing the violence on Iraqi Christians from Muslim extremists. I think you will find it wrenching.